Bits, bytes, and bad ideas

Custom Blog CMS

Wed, Jun 19, 2019 6:31:41 PM

I slapped together a really questionable "Blog CMS", if it can even be called that, to run this site. I intend to write about interesting cyber security related projects that I think need to be posted about online because there either isn't a related enough post about it already, or I just happen to find it interesting.

Essentially, all it does is read in the existing template html and replace certain values based on the config file. It then writes a new file for each markdown based blog entry item and links them all between all the pages. The outputed build can then be statically hosted out of an S3 Bucket or similar. The code is a bit messy, and I'm sure I will refactor it as new features are added.

Hopefully soon I'll get up a post about a little project on which I'm working.